Tips for Neck Pain
Posted on August 14, 2017 by admin
We all experience a little bit of neck pain from time to time but there are many easy ways to avoid having that neck pain.
Neck pain can occur when the neck muscles are strained due to poor sitting posture and sleeping posture. Most neck pains gradually leave on their own but in rare cases, it can lead to numbness or pain that radiates down your arm, which is quite severe and you should seek medical care. Experiencing neck pain can mean your body is indicating that you are performing movements that is straining on the muscles.
One common problem associated with neck pain is when you constantly look down on your cell phone. This is known as “text neck“. As you spend so much time looking down at your phone, your neck starts to bent forward and can lead to more problems such as pain on the shoulders and back.
Here are some tips you can try to ease your neck pain:
- Try to switch into different positions: Do not stay in the same position for a long time, you can try getting up and walking around the house to drink some water and then go back to your phone.
- Stretching your neck: By stretching and strengthening your neck and back muscles, you are able to hold up your posture better which can help reduce the amount of neck pain you may be experiencing.
- Make ergonomic adjustments: Try elevating your laptop or monitor screen to eye level so you can prevent from bending your neck forward and causing extra strain.
- Use the right amount of pillows: Do not try to layer up a bunch of pillows as it can affect your neck’s range of motion
- Have a good amount of sleep: Sleeping helps your body heal, and also reduce any musculoskeletal pain
If these tips are not helpful, it is always safer to see a practitioner about your recurring neck pain!