Why Do We Snore?
Posted on August 21, 2017 by admin
Snoring. This sound can be irritable to others however very often uncontrollable as you are sleeping when this occurs. First of all, why do we snore?
Snoring occurs when the air is passing through the relaxed tissues in your throat and produces vibrations, which is the sound you hear. In general, snoring is not harmful but it can also indicate serious health problems.
Causes for Snoring
- Alcohol consumption: drinking alcohol relaxes your muscles which can decrease your airway
- Sleep position: sleeping in certain positions can cause gravity to affect your airway
- Sleep deprivation: not having enough sleep can result in relaxation of the throat
- Obstructive sleep apnea: your airway is partially blocked which affects your breathing and snoring can occur due to decreased airway
- Reduce alcohol consumption
- Nasal strips
- Losing weight
- Sleep position
- Limit your smoking
- Treat chronic allergies
If you know a loved one who experience snoring, take into consideration that it can be a health issue rather than just an annoyance!