Stretches to do in the Office

Posted on June 21, 2017 by

Do you sit in the office for 8 hours everyday? Overtime, sitting down for prolong periods of time may result in higher risks of heart and musculoskeletal problems. Take a moment and try these quick stretches and exercises that is perfect in the office work environment.

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1.Walk around the neighborhood during your lunch break: If you’re starting in a new office, it is a good time to walk around the area to enjoy the sun and nearby parks. Letting your body walk around after hours of sitting down can help stretch and activate the muscle fibers.

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2. Neck and Upper back stretches: Looking down or at the computer screen for long periods of time can put a lot of stress on your neck so trying out these few stretches for the neck and upper back can regain your focus.

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3. Cat and Cow pose: This stretch helps with flexion and extension of the back muscles and spine by arching the back in and outwards while on your knees.

Image result for cat and cow pose

4. Stretch the legs: Standing up and bending to reach down to your toes can help with flexibility and stretching of the hamstrings.

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5. Stretching the arms: This is a simple stretch that you can do while sitting in your chair at the office. All you have to do is raise your arms up, lock your fingers and pull up.

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6. Stretching the hand and fingers: Squeezing a stress ball that help stretch out your fingers and activate the forearm muscles.

Image result for stress ball squeeze

It only requires a few minutes to do these stretches at work so if you need to take a break, try and incorporate these into your day at the office!