Monthly Archives: December 2020

Mindfulness and Stress Reduction

Posted on December 27, 2020 by

The physical results of stress:

Stress can have a negative impact on our physical health and cause things such as headaches, stiffness, muscle aches, and pains. Additionally, tight muscles can lead to posture issues and poor sleep, which can end up creating more stress.

To avoid stress affecting your physical health, make sure to always adjust your posture especially at times when you are feeling stressed. Having improper posture frequently can lead to problems with your back and spine overtime. If you are clenched up and feeling stressed, check your posture and adjust your posture so that you are sitting up tall and straight. To make sure you are maintaining a straight back position, it is best to sit on a chair with back support or have your back against a wall.


The importance of mindfulness:

Mindfulness meditation is a common technique used to combat stress, anxiety, chronic pain, depression, and headaches. Add mindfulness to your everyday routine; even as little as 10 minutes can make a big difference in our overall sense of well-being. Meditation is easy to implement to anyone’s lifestyle, as it is a cost saving practice that involves low physical and emotional risk and has the potential to empower people to be more actively engaged in their mental health.

Some significant health benefits of mindfulness are insignificant improvements in pain, anxiety, overall well-being, and the ability to participate in daily activities. Incorporating mindfulness frequently has also been found to improve your overall mood and reduce stress.


Ways to practice mindfulness:

  • Yoga: Along with meditation, yoga is an easy practice that can help reduce stress and manage your pain. Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines physical poses, controlled breathing, and meditation or relaxation. However, take caution and only do poses or stretches that that work for your individual and physical limits.
  • Mindful eating: Being mindful with the food you consume can be done by eating slowly and paying attention to the aromas, texture, flavours, and taste of food. Mindful eating does not only make positive changes to your eating habits, but it can also create awareness of your feelings, thoughts, and emotions.
  • Mindful breathing: Many mindfulness exercises involve practicing just simply being mindful, such as focusing on breath, posture, and the space you occupy in the present moment.
  • Workspace Ergonomics

    Posted on December 2, 2020 by

    What is Ergonomics?

    Ergonomics is the science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to workers’ capabilities. For example, the size data of human bodies to design chairs, tables, and walkways. While many people are adjusting to working from home, it is important to create an environment that is ergonomically friendly, especially for those who are sitting at a desk for long periods of time. Creating a proper ergonomic workspace is crucial to keep you comfortable at work and can prevent injuries from occurring overtime.

    Creating the Perfect Ergonomic Workspace

    Consider following these tips when creating a suitable workspace:

    1. Choosing the right chair

    2. Adjusting your desk and monitor height

    3. Organizing your desk space

    4. Having good posture

    5. Taking regular breaks and stretching