Why is Good Posture so Important?

Posted on July 4, 2017 by

Everyone has heard of no slouching or have a good posture but what are the benefits of maintaining good posture?

Proper posture is when your body is aligned in a position where there is the least amount of stress on your ligaments, tendons, and muscles. There are three types of good posture: sitting, standing, and lying down.

Proper sitting posture consist of a straight back with your buttocks touching the back of the chair. The feet should be parallel and touching the ground with your knees bent at a right angle.

Image result for good posture

Good standing posture is when your ears, shoulders, hips, knee, and your ankle are lined up straight in a vertical line.

Image result for good posture

A healthy lying position is keeping the cervical spine in a neutral position.

Image result for good posture lying

What are the benefits of having good posture?

What are the risks of poor posture?

Image result for good posture muscle

If you are experiencing muscle tightness or back pain, one important aspect to fix those problems could be your posture! Maintaining good posture can do wonders for your body and if you are constantly sitting down due to your job then try out these office stretches to help prevent muscle aches caused by prolonged periods of sitting.