Recommended Plan of Management for Low Back Pain (LBP)

Posted on May 14, 2018 by

Educate on nature and course of LBP, provide reassurance, and advise on physical activity and self-management strategies. Based on patient preference and practitioner experience, we suggest:

Acute (0-3 months) Low Back Pain

Remark: Other commonly used treatments may include advice on posture and physical activity, and usual medical care when deemed beneficial.

Chronic ( > 3 months) Low Back Pain

Remark: Minimal intervention includes manually applied forces with diminished magnitude or 5-minute light massage.

Remark: Other treatments include extension exercises, advice plus exercise, myofascial therapy, or usual medical care when deemed beneficial. Pain relief is most effective within the first 6 months and functional improvement was most effective at 1 month.

Remark: Multimodal therapy with SMT treatment may also include exercise, myofascial therapy, advice, educational material, usual medical care when deemed beneficial. SMT (2 sessions per week for 4 weeks) plus standard medical therapy has shown better pain and functional outcomes than standard medical care alone. Pain and functional improvement was also shown at 3 and 12 months.

Chronic ( > 3 months) Back-Related Leg Pain (Sciatica or Radicular Low Back Pain)

Remark: Reduced chronic back-related leg pain (sciatica or radicular LBP) and disability were observed at 12 weeks follow-up. Home exercise includes positioning and stabilization exercises.

Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiative