Achilles Tendinitis
Posted on July 6, 2017 by admin
Located at the back of your lower leg close to the heel lies the Achilles tendon. This tendon attaches the muscles at the calves to the heel bone for movement. At times, the tendon could become inflamed due to increased intensity of running or walking. When the Achilles tendon is inflamed, this condition is called Achilles tendinitis. This is most commonly found in runners or athletes. In most cases, non-surgical treatments are sufficient enough for Achilles tendinitis to be treated. If left untreated, your Achilles tendon maybe remain inflamed and it can lead to a tear in the tendon which may require surgical repair.
How can you tell if you are experiencing Achilles Tendinitis? Some symptoms may include:
- swelling at the back of your heel
- tight calf muscles
- mild ache, stiffness, and limited motion around the heel
As mentioned, Achilles tendinitis usually does not require surgery. Letting your Achilles tendon rest is important. Wearing a brace to help relieve stress on the tendon can help with the treatment. The RICE method can be applied.