6 Stretches to help Relieve Sciatic Pain!
Posted on June 28, 2017 by admin
Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve which runs along from the lumbar vertebrae down to the leg is compressed. There are many reasons why sciatica occurs. It most commonly occurs due to a herniated disk or bone spur on the spine compressing onto the sciatic nerve. In most cases, the pain associated with sciatica can be fixed with non-surgical treatments.
Here are some exercises and stretches you can try to relieve sciatica pain:
- Reclining pigeon pose: This pose helps with opening up your hips by first laying down on your back then bring your right leg to a right angle. Bring the left leg up and rest your right ankle on the left knee and hold. This helps stretches out the piriformis muscle.
- Sitting pigeon pose: This pose is similar to the reclining pigeon pose but the starting position is sitting upright.
- Forward pigeon pose: This pose begins with kneeling on all four and then bringing the right ankle over the left knee, similar to the reclining pigeon pose.
- Knee to opposite shoulder: Starting in the supine position, bring one of your knee up to the opposite shoulder.
- Sitting spinal stretch: Sitting down with your legs straighten out then have your right leg, bent, and cross over the left leg lining up with the left knee. After, gently turn your body towards the right.
- Standing hamstring stretch: Have your right leg elevated near the hip level and slowly bend down to reach your toes.
These stretches can help reduce or relieve pain associated from sciatica and are convenient to do at home!